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ZReviewsBot — Slack App Review Notification Bot
Free and open-source iOS & Android APP latest review tracking Slack Bot
TL;DR [2022/08/10] Update:
Now redesigned using the new App Store Connect API and relaunched as “ ZReviewTender — Free and Open-source App Reviews Monitoring Bot “.
ZhgChgLi / ZReviewsBot
ZReviewsBot is a free, open-source project that helps your app team automatically track the latest reviews of apps on the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android) platforms and send them to a designated Slack Channel for you to understand the current app status in real-time.
- ✅ Uses updated, more reliable API Endpoint to track iOS app reviews (Technical Details)
- ✅ Supports dual-platform review tracking for iOS & Android
- ✅ Supports keyword notification skip feature (to avoid spam ads)
- ✅ Customizable settings, as you wish
- ✅ Supports deployment of Schedule Auto Bot using Github Action
[2022/07/20 Update]
App Store Connect API now supports reading and managing Customer Reviews, this bot will implement this in future updates, replacing the method of using Fastlane — Spaceship to fetch reviews from the backend.
Following the previous article “ AppStore APP’s Reviews Slack Bot “, I researched and completed a new iOS review fetching tool. I thought it might be suitable as a Side Project Open Source for friends with the same problem.
Further Reading
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.
This article was first published in Traditional Chinese on Medium ➡️ View Here