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Travelogue 2023 Hiroshima Okayama 6-Day Free Trip

[Travelogue] 2023 Hiroshima Okayama 6-Day Free Trip 2023 Hiroshima, Okayama, Fukuyama, Kurashiki, Onomichi 6-Day Trip Preface After leaving my job at the end of August, I immediately set off in ...

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Travelogue 2023 Kyushu 10-Day Solo Trip

[Travelogue] 2023 Kyushu 10-Day Solo Trip Kyushu 10-Day Solo Trip: Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kumamoto Overview Preface At the end of August, I officially left Pinkoi, where I had been for almost 3 year...

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Travelogue 9/11 Nagoya One-Day Flash Trip

[Travelogue] 9/11 Nagoya One-Day Flash Trip Peach Aviation Nagoya One-Day Flash Ticket Travel Experience Background The one-day round-trip ticket to Nagoya is an event launched by Peach Aviation...

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POC App End-to-End Testing Local Snapshot API Mock Server

[POC] App End-to-End Testing Local Snapshot API Mock Server Verification of the feasibility of implementing E2E Testing for existing apps and existing API architecture Photo by freestocks Intro...

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Using Google Apps Script to Create a Free Github Repo Star Notifier in Three Steps

Using Google Apps Script to Create a Free Github Repo Star Notifier in Three Steps Writing GAS to connect Github Webhook and forward star notifications to Line Introduction As a maintainer of op...

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Travelogue 2023 Tokyo 5-Day Free Trip

[Travelogue] 2023 Tokyo 5-Day Free Trip Following last month’s trip to Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe, here is the record and information for a 5-day free trip to Tokyo in June 2023. 2023/05 Kyoto, Osaka...

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Travelogue 2023 Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe 8-Day Free Trip

[Travelogue] 2023 Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe 8-Day Free Trip 2023/05 Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe 8-day free trip record and information on food, accommodation, transportation, and entry Preface Previously, I onl...

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ZMediumToJekyll Move your Medium posts to a Jekyll blog and keep them in sync in the future. This tool can help you move your Medium posts to a Jekyll blog and keep them in sync in the future...

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ZMarkupParser HTML String to NSAttributedString Tool

ZMarkupParser HTML String to NSAttributedString Tool Convert HTML String to NSAttributedString with corresponding Key style settings ZhgChgLi / ZMarkupParser ZhgChgLi / ZMarkupParser Featur...

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Pinkoi 2022 Open House for GenZ — 15 Mins Career Talk

Pinkoi 2022 Open House for GenZ — 15 Mins Career Talk Pinkoi Developers’ Night 2022 Year-End Exchange Meeting — 15 Minutes Career Sharing Talk Pinkoi Developers’ Night 2022 Year-End Exchange Meet...